Higher Education Awareness Program

The Mayo Higher Education Awareness Program (HEAP) is an initiative by Mayo College in Ajmer, Rajasthan that aims to educate students about higher education. The program includes workshops, fairs, and boot camps.

The Higher Education Awareness Program at Mayo College focuses on providing comprehensive career and college guidance to every student. It follows an intensive annual schedule of sessions, activities, and events to transact the curriculum developed to meet our student's unique needs.

Grade Wise Average Programming Under HEAP

Grade 12 students spend hours coding.

Grade 11 students spend time on programing.

Grade 9 and 10 spend 30+ hours on programing.

Career Guidance Platforms

CIALFO: We use the CIALFO platform for making college applications, sharing our own curated college and career guidance curriculum, maintaining meeting notes, providing each grade 12 student their task lists, recording learnings from university webinars, visits, and outreach, maintaining college application records, and communicating with students and parents.

MINDLER: We use the Mindler platform for psychometric tests, virtual internships, career library, Indian entrance exams, and college data. Mindler also conducts informative sessions for students as per our annual schedule.

  • Board Selection
  • Foreign Language Selection
  • Career Exploration
  • Profile Building
  • Aptitude/ SkillBuilding
  • Career Exploration
  • Profile Building
  • Aptitude/ Skill Building
  • Career Information
  • Subject &Board Selection
  • Career Exploration
  • Profile Building - Specific
  • Super Curriculars
  • Board & Subject Selection
  • Long List of Careers
  • Long List of Study Destinations
  • Program Selection
  • Study Destination Selection
  • College Lists
  • Applications: Follow-ups, Essays, LORS, Entrance Exam Guidance
  • Essay Writing, Interviewing, Other College Success Skills
  • Bridging any gaps in Profile


Higher education awareness fair & mini fairs: The two-day-long Mayo College Higher Education Awareness Fair is held in the first week of September. This year it is planned for 6 & 7 September. In 2023 the fair was attended by 145 universities from 15 countries. The universities brought more than 50 faculty and professors to conduct 18 informative and exciting workshops and six unique study destination sessions for our students.

Career visits: Career Visits are organized for Grade 9th every year in July. Students visit seven to ten workplaces in Ajmer, ranging from Hospitals to the office of IAS and IPS officers.

University visits: : In July, students of Grade 11 visit university campuses. In 2023, students visited OP Jindal, Rishihood, Ashoka, and Shiv Nadar Universities.

Boot camps: A portion of the general curriculum is delivered to every grade through boot camps. The curriculum is divided into 4 Boot camps - Boot Camp 1 is delivered to Grade 9, and Boot Camp 4 is for Grade 12 students. The windows for conducting these boot camps are found in coordination with the Director of Academics.

College essay & specialized workshops: These are conducted for Grade 12 students. A schedule of the workshops is created annually in coordination with the Director of Academics.

HEAP Newsletter: Recently introduced, this is going to be a bi-monthly publication managed by student volunteers and the HEAP staff.


Both in India and abroad, has been taken up to improve our students' access to information and ease their transition into universities. In the last academic year, our career counseling team met with more than 400 university representatives. We have been able to organize Individual interviews, portfolio assessment sessions, and doubt-clearing sessions to aid with application processes. Alumni engagement in the program has been consciously increased. Our recent graduates are included in the Higher Education Awareness program to guide their Juniors from their experiences of navigating the Higher education space. The Counseling team visits alumni on their college campuses to learn about their college experiences.

Sapna Goel

[email protected]

Nisha Singh

[email protected]